Columbia Airport (Columbia, CA) O22 備註
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude runway 11/29 800 ft AGL. |
A81-APT | Activate MIRL runway 17/35 and REIL runways 17 and 35 - CTAF. Vasi runway 17 and runway 35 oper continuously. |
A80 | Airport has two rotating bcns; one on the airport and one 6500' southeast threshold runway 35. |
A57-35 | Approach ratio from displaced threshold 37:1. |
A57-17 | Approach ratio from displaced threshold 31:1. |
A43-35 | Runway 35 vasi unusable beyond 5 deg left and right of runway centerline. |
A31-17/35 | Runway end safety areas non-standard length; runway 17 210 ft; runway 35 300 ft. |
A110-9 | All jet aircraft are requested to land runway 35 and depart runway 17 wind and weather permitting. |
A110-8 | Runway 29 not recommended for use during winter months nov through mar. |
A110-7 | Turf taxiway north side of runway 11/29 not recommended for use nov - mar |
A110-6 | Runway 11 departures prohibited due to conflict with main runway. |
A110-2 | Varying wind direction and velocity may be encountered at mid point of runway 17/35 due to terrain features and wind flow patterns. |
A110-14 | For clearance contact norcal approach at 916-361-0516. |
A110-13 | Avoid flights over columbia state park northeast of airport, and hwy 49 bridge 5 nm southwest of airport and vicinity. |
A110-12 | Helicopter prkng area 300 ft by 120 ft (4 positions) . |
A110-10 | Landing fee for all commercial operators regardless of size and corporate aircraft over 12500 lbs gross landing weight. |
A110-1 | Calfire air tanker oprs from airport drg fire season. |