Happy Valentine's Day!
How to allow ads on
Thank you for deciding to allow ads on
Adblock Plus
- Click on the red ABP icon in the upper right corner of your browser.
- Click Enabled on this site to disable ad blocking for the current site. In Firefox, click disable on
- Refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing.
- Click the AdBlock hand icon.
- Click "Don’t run on pages on this domain."
- A new "Don’t run AdBlock on..." dialog will display in the middle of the screen.
- Move the Site slider to the right. After that, click "Exclude".
- Refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing.
- Click on the uBlock icon.
- Click the large blue power button in the menu that appears to whitelist the current website.
- Refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing or click the reload icon.
Firefox Browser
Firefox Tracking Protection may activate our whitelist notice. It can be temporarily disabled for a browsing session by clicking the shield icon in the URL bar and following the instructions.
- Click the DuckDuckGo extension icon in your browser.
- Click “Manage Whitelist"
- Click “Add site to whitelist”
- Enter and click “Add to Whitelist”
- Refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing or click the reload icon.
- Click the Disconnect icon.
- Click whitelist site.
- Refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing.
Safari on Phones and tablets
- Go to settings app on the main screen.
- Tap on the Safari button.
- Tap Content Blockers.
- Slide button to the left to disable.
- Return to your Safari browser and refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing.
- Click on the Ghostery icon in the top right corner of the browser window.
- Click Whitelist site or Trust site depending on what version you have installed.
- Refresh the FlightAware page you were viewing or click the reload icon.
Did you know that FlightAware flight tracking is supported by advertising?
You can help us keep FlightAware free by allowing ads from We work hard to keep our advertising relevant and unobtrusive to create a great experience. It's quick and easy to whitelist ads on FlightAware or please consider our premium accounts.