Alexandria Airport (Pittstown, NJ) N85 備註
A81-BCN | Activate rotating beacon - 121.8. |
A81-APT | Activate MIRL runway 08/26 - 121.8. |
A76 | Parachute jumping MAR-NOV. Parachute drop zone on north side of airport. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 24 hr SELF-SERVICE |
A58-31 | +47 ft tree, 112 ft from runway end, 117 ft L. |
A58-26 | +33 ft tree, 58 ft from runway end, 108 ft L. |
A43-26 | PAPI unusable beyond 2 degrees left of centerline. |
A33-13/31 | 25 ft wide asphalt strip full length down center of runway. Turf portion of runway unusable. |
A110-7 | For clearance contact allentown approach at 800-728-6322. |
A110-6 | No tgl or sta allowed. |
A110-5 | Contact airport manager 908-730-9223 prior to conducting helicopter training act. |
A110-3 | Helicopter use FIXED-WING traffic pattern and alts. |
A110-2 | Helicopter takeoff and ldgs restricted to runway 08/26 only. |
A110-1 | Taxi on pavement only. |
A110*G | This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey. |