Dodge Center Airport (Dodge Center, MN) TOB 備註
A81-APT | Activate or incr intensity REIL runway 16 and 34; PAPI runway 16 and 34; MIRL runway 16/34 - CTAF. MIRL runway 16/34 preset low intensity. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel available H24 self service via credit card. |
A42-22 | Yellow cones. |
A42-04 | Yellow cones. |
A30-04/22 | Not plowed winter months. |
A110-5 | Arrival/departure building aces code: 1304. |
A110-4 | For clearance contact rochester approach at 507-424-8111. |
A110-3 | Ultralight traffic on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-2 | Windmills 1.5 nm southwest of airport. |