Black Hills Airport (Spearfish, SD) SPF 備註
A81-APT | Activate MIRL runway 13/31; PAPI runways 13 and 31 and taxiway A LGTS- CTAF. |
A42-04 | Runway 04/22 and runway 08/26 marked with black and white edge markers. |
A17 | For attendant after hours please call 605-642-2656/641-2787. |
A110-9 | For clearance contact ellsworth approach at 605-385-6198, when approach closed contact denver artcc at 303-651-4257. |
A110-8 | Gco available on frequency 121.725 (4 clicks to ellsworth approach and 6 clicks to denver center) |
A110-7 | Ultralight activity on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-4 | No snow removal on turf runways, cfm conds with airport manager, please call 605-642-4112/2656. |
A110-3 | Runway 22 +4 ft fence 50 ft R 141 ft from threshold and 50 ft L 175 ft from threshold., |
A110-2 | Ireg operations in and out of pvt airfield located approximately 3300 ft S of airport; check CTAF frequency for status. |
A110-10 | High vol of aircraft oprng in vicinity of of mt rushmore and crazy horse monuments at or blw 7500 ft; pilots are advised to mnt 122.85 for traffic advisories. |