Watertown Muni Airport (Watertown, WI) RYV 備註
A81-APT | MIRL runway 05/23 preset to low SS-SR; to incr intensity and activate REIL runway 05 and 23; PAPI runway 05 and 23; MIRL runway 05/23; MIRL runway 11/29 - CTAF. |
A57-05 | Approach ratio 23:1 to displaced threshold. |
A17 | Airport attended other hours on request thru FBO. |
A110-3 | For clearance contact madison app/departure control at 608-249-8240. When madison approach closed, for clearance contact chicago artcc at 630-906-8921. |
A110-2 | Ducks and seagulls occassionally near airport during seasonal migrations. |
A110-1 | Deer on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110*G | This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey. |