Southwest Oregon Rgnl Airport (North Bend, OR) OTH 備註
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed, activate MALSR runway 05; REIL runways 13, 23, 31; MIRL runway 13/31; HIRL 05/23 - CTAF. PAPI runway 05 operational consly. |
A43-31 | P4L out of service indefinitely |
A17 | Service available 0800-1700, for service after hours please call (541) 756-5181. |
A110-7 | Pilots conducting efvs operations; be aware led ALS in use. |
A110-6 | For clearance if una to contact on flight service station frequency, contact seattle artcc at 253-351-3694. |
A110-5 | Taxiway A3 closed to aircraft over 60,000 lbs indefinitely. |
A110-4 | Personnel and equipment working in vicinity of runways and taxiways 0730-1530. |
A110-3 | All aircraft subjected to airport usage fees. |
A110-2 | Migratory flocks of waterfowl on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-1 | Ship channel xs runway 05 aprx 2/3 mi from threshold; xs runway 13 and runway 23 aprx 1000 ft to 1700 ft from threshold; mast hgts to 144 ft. |