Mitchell Muni Airport (Mitchell, SD) MHE 備註
A81-APT | Activate MALSR runway 31, REIL runway 13 and 18, PAPI runway 13, 31, 18 and 36 , HIRL runway 13/31; MIRL runway 18/36 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel available 24 hours A day. |
A17 | For attendant other hours please call 605-996-1228. |
A110-3 | For clearance if una to contact on flight service station frequency, contact minneapolis artcc at 651-463-5588. |
A110-2 | Ultralgt activate on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-1 | Migratory birds on and in vicinity of airport. |