University Airport (Davis, CA) EDU 備註
A81-APT | Activate REIL runway 17 and 35; PAPI runway 17 and 35; MIRL runway 17/35 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel SELF-SERVICE available 24 hours. |
A35-17/35 | Operations limited to aircraft 12500 lbs or less by airport owner. |
A110-7 | For clearance contact oakland artcc at 510-745-3380. |
A110-6 | Caution: remote control aircraft wi area defined as 0.5 nm rad of 3835N/12142W (5 nm northeast edu) , surface - 1200 ft AGL, SR-SS. |
A110-5 | After hours emergency: uc davis police 530-752-1230. After hours NON-EMERG: uc davis police 530-752-1727. |
A110-4 | Noise abatement, noise sensitive area N of airport. |
A110-3 | Trees +40 ft, W side of runway near runway 17 threshold. |
A110-1 | 65 ft trees located S side of creek 1257 ft from threshold runway 35. |