Huntington Muni Airport (Huntington, UT) 69V 備註
E100 | Tower weather available CTAF 122.8 , 3 clicks. |
A81-APT | Activate MIRL runway 08/26 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel 24 hr self serve. |
A58-26 | 15 ft trees, 20 ft distance, 70 ft R. |
A57-36 | 15 ft drop off at runway 36 end. |
A57-18 | 15 ft drop off at runway 18 end. |
A57-08 | Approach slope 48:1 to dthr. |
A52-12 | Marked pline 360' from end runway. |
A33-18/36 | Small amounts of vegetation on runway 18/36. |
A33-12/30 | Small amounts of vegetation on runway 12/30. |
A110-2 | For clearance contact salt lake artcc at 801-320-2568. |
A110-1 | Runway 08/26 no line of sight between runway ends. |