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Douglas DC-3 (C-GGSU) - Fitted with gears to support oil and gas exploration projects.
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Douglas DC-3 (C-GGSU)


Fitted with gears to support oil and gas exploration projects.


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Pierre Cantin
Un DC-3 a qui on aurait greffé le nez de Pinocchio.
Intéressant travail de transformation de ce chaleureux classique de l'aviation.
Chris Green
Very nice shot!! Nice to see these classics still flying.
Cuong NguyenPhoto Uploader
Personally, I was excited to see a DC-3. I barely had time to take the camera out when it started the take off roll.
andré belleau
En plus du nez de Pinocchio on lui a installé 2 Basler Turbo-Prop PT-6A-67R
Transporte 5 tonnes d'équipement = 43%de plus que les moteurs radiales à pistons.
Mes salutations à Pierre Cantin.
Glen Towler
This to me looks like a Basler BT 67
andré belleau
Merci Glen Towler pour la correction,c'est BT 67 Basler
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