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N747AF — - Russian To Get Ya, a North American B-25J Mitchell bomber (N747AF, 44-30456), completes a low-level pass over Reno Stead Airport during a performance at the 2015 National Championship Air Races.
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N747AF —


"Russian To Get Ya," a North American B-25J Mitchell bomber (N747AF, 44-30456), completes a low-level pass over Reno Stead Airport during a performance at the 2015 National Championship Air Races.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Greg B ... Here's a click of that Mitchell in the air. I'll post another one of it too. Sorry I forgot to post them sooner like I had promised. My apologies to you. (Thumbs Up)
Greg Byington
That is one good looking B-25, and a very nice photo. Thanks, and I'll take them whenever you can send them, Gary. Thanks!
Darryl Sarno
Wow! Just saw this now - great catch of this rare bird! 5 *'s!
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