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A Pilot Recounts His Story Of September 11th
Every person has a story of where they were and what they were doing on September 11th, 2001. It was a tragic day that we all remember and still reflect on each anniversary. Robert Burton was a pilot flying transatlantic on a Boeing 767 inbound to New York’s JFK International Airport. Here is his story: ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I"ll never forget that day... I was flying my Piper Dakota (N4364W) from Albany, NY to Beverly MA on that beautiful Tuesday morning and was nearing Boston airspace when I heard them call "American 11, how do you hear?" several times. They ended up asking me (and another plane) to try reaching American 11, but with no luck. The time was about 8:45 AM when a garbled scream came over the VHF radio on the Boston frequency. It wasn't heard on on the ground because the plane was seconds from impact with the first WTC tower. Slightly later, the Boston controller asked a biz jet on the frequency whether they "had a TV onboard". They said yes, and after a short time said "oh my God!". I was passed to Beverly MA tower and landed normally. The ramp attendant remarked to me "did you hear? A DC-3 ran into the Trade Center!" Fog of War information garble. The day got worse from then. I ended up taking a train back to Albany two days later, and finally retrieved my plane a couple of weeks after that.
Wow. I was working at United Airlines in the jet shop in San Francisco. CFM56-3s were my engine fleet. Had just arrived at work a little past 6 AM PST and when I walked in the 20 acre building, someone said a DC-3 had just flown into the world trade center. Obviously then not sure how in the hell that happened (thinking to myself, “A DC-3?!) but then the tragic day unfolded. Your post is the first I’ve ever read or heard about someone else getting that same information about it at first being a DC-3. Would’ve been tragic as well, but how I wish it had been just that.
That's really interesting! The garbled pre-impact war cry radio call on Boston Center frequency still haunts me - plus the fact that AA 11 had overflown my route earlier in the opposite direction! It headed towards Albany from Logan and turned left down the Hudson to Manhattan. They obviously weren't talking to TRACON, so that's probably why their main COM radio was still tuned to Boston Center frequency right up through impact...That's the only reason I can think of why I could hear it. (Airborne line of sight to NYC from the Boston area is well within VHF capabilities, and I was still at 5,500' I think. My plane shows up on one of the radar image graphics of planes in the air in the 911 report.) Creepy.
I was a check airman giving a LOE. We came out of the sim for a break before doing the second period and somebody told us a plane hit WTC. At first we thought it was a private plane until we saw a video of an airliner hitting a tower. The captain I was checking was very concerned because his daughter worked in one of the towers and she wasn't answering her cell phone. I gave him the option of incompleting the ride and rescheduling but he just wanted to get it over with. So, we got back in the box for a, shall we say, very quick 2nd period. I checked back with the captain the next day to see how he was doing and found out his daughter was ok - she had a dentist appointment that morning and wasn't in the tower.
My wife, however, lost two of her friends from B school. Ironically, one of them died in the plane that slammed into the tower where her other friend worked and died.
My wife, however, lost two of her friends from B school. Ironically, one of them died in the plane that slammed into the tower where her other friend worked and died.
Here's another tidbit. What non military airport in the USA had the most take-offs/landings on 9/12/2001? Answer? Grangeville, Idaho. There was a large forest fire going west of the town so there was a lot of airborne fire fighting activity. All overseen by F-15s over head.
And that day might have been 9/13/2001. That was 20 odd years ago and I can't quite remember all the details.