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The threat was passed onto airlines that have direct flights to Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin has (according to Fox News this a.m.) banned all liquids on all flights operating in all Russian airspace during the upcoming Olympic games. ( More...
Warning Issued for Sochi Olympic Flights - Risk of Toothpaste Bombs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The U.S. Homeland Security Department is warning airlines flying to Russia that terrorists may try to smuggle explosives on board hidden in toothpaste tubes.The threat was passed onto airlines that have direct flights to Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin has (according to Fox News this a.m.) banned all liquids on all flights operating in all Russian airspace during the upcoming Olympic games. ( More...
Matt Pilla Staff Writer
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$54,000 landing fee, no parking so $108,000 USD to drop off and pick up pax, not too many charters heading to Sochi
May as well ban all humans, since we are 66% water.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)
TSA bans carry-on liquids on flights to Russia
The TSA has placed a temporary ban on all liquids and gels on flights to Russia, due to lurking terrorit threats.
TSA bans carry-on liquids on flights to Russia
The TSA has placed a temporary ban on all liquids and gels on flights to Russia, due to lurking terrorit threats.