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Airlines must monitor vapour trails under new EU climate rules

Airlines operating flights from European airports will soon have to report the estimated climate impact of vapour trails from jet engines to the European Commission, as well as the amount of carbon dioxide they emit annually. The airline industry had lobbied hard against the new rules — adopted by government delegates behind closed doors on Friday (30 August) — saying there wasn't enough research data on the effects of contrails. But the European Commission, while acknowledging “inherent… ( More...

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bbabis 22
I just can't stop laughing long enough to comment.
Mike Mohle 24
Next up: Farmers Must Monitor Cow Farts".
sparkie624 9
I can see it now in the Headlines: "Farms must have Fart Monitoring Devices on All Livestock!"

These people are just going over the edge!
Derek Vaughn 2
How about human farts? No one is talking about those, and they're worse for the environment. What about walrusses? How do we tackle those...?
Martin Schneider 0
How do human farts, volumewise compare to the amount if chem trails produced? It is known they contribute ca 3% of all earth warming agents in the atmosphere. Or was that comment just a senseless brainfart?
Duarte Gomes 1
lakemountain 3
I guess the airlines will need to add the position of CCO (Chief Chemtrail Officer)
lakemountain 2
You'd think they'd at least use their real name: government chemtrails.

I'm surprised the airlines don't need to monitor which government is deployment them in each location.
Vaclav Koranda 5
Chemtrails are real!!! I knew it!
I hear that the EU are promising rich rewards for the answer to "How long is a piece of string". Do they really have nothing better to do with their lives?
Rocco Bollotta 11
This is so beyond ridiculous
Walt Flint 3
Rules based on fear and conjecture, not facts. No different than medieval thinking.
chugheset 6
All I can think of are those pictures of B-17's on bombing runs over Europe in WWII emitting long contrails for each of their four engines. I'm surprised it took them this long for figure out our master plan.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

chugheset 10
Everything I've ever read suggests they are a byproduct of the engine exhaust due to the difference in temperature. Wingtip vortices appear under extreme lift generation (e.g., high-g turn) as the water present in them condenses from gas to liquid.
godutch 8
Wingtips??? I call BS.
Brian Drewry 1
This is the sort of thing that makes my brain hurt.
linbb 12
So what other stupid rule are they going to saddle airlines and others with? All it does is increase ticket prices nothing else. Just keep squeezing businesses with dumb rules. And then in the USA one state down south I thing passed some rule against Chemtrails......thats supported by the metal pie pan group............DUMB they walk among us.
avionik99 16
Climate Change is never more real than when it's making money for someone or handing over control of any aspect of our way of life. Example, if climate change is real then why have all cities and municipalities worldwide not been forced to time out all traffic lights so you never just end up going from one red light to the next red light over 90% of the time? You see that cost money, it does not make money, therefore it will never get done even though it would save far more pollution than nearly anything they can do to the airline and nearly any other industry! Vehicles pollute the most when at idle, so this would be a Huge, Huge, savings toward climate change, if it were real of course!
Henry Matias 8
How about round abouts instead of Traffic lights. I’ve been diving over 3k kms throughout Portugal. In and out through cities and hiways for 6 weeks. If I saw much more than 10 traffic lights outside of Lisbon, that would be too many. Imagine that…
The third world country is here in North America. I’ve driven in Mississauga, Ontario for 1/2 hour and did more stops on Red lights than I did in 6 weeks in Portugal.
godutch 12
EXACTLY! Great point...but there are many more examples ( being the 'Climate Change Tsar' flying around the world in wifey's jet.)
Mike Mohle 6
Do you mean Lurch?
godutch 5
Yep...the lying Vietnam 'hero'.
arfadaily -1
And there is the clue - "All it does is increase ticket prices ..." It's just another back-handed ploy to stop people being able to fly away on well deserved holidays
sparkie624 -2
Don't ask... I can't imagine what they will come up with next... Maybe install an Extension Ladder on planes so that passengers can disembark to avoid a Crash...
Nooge 1
That was soooooo funny
Randall Bursk 4
Carbon from petrol fuels is hurting the enviroment. Science and data has proven that. International pilot to Europe and South America for 35 years. Last 10 years of my career. Data showed putting 180 tons of carbon into the atmosphere every year. Ozone was another concern for flight planning. Get rid of the hate, research, accept solutions that improve our lifes. Sweden has been working climate change since 1990’s, with success in different industries. Taking care of needs is better than being greedy.
Jim Herman 0
180 tons? For all practical purposes, that is zero. Human emissions of CO2 is about 120 MILLION tons per day which, according to one of the world's leading meteorologists, is "vanishingly insignificant."
Sidney Smith 3
About one million years ago (1960's) when the middle of the U.S. was in drought a condition, a study determined that the contrails actually benefited the formation of rain clouds.
godutch 7
Notice the comment: "...behind closed doors." How's that for transparent, representative government? (And people wonder why the UK left the EU!!!)
Bandrunner 3
Ho-hum, prime fodder for the chem-trail nonsense heads to pick up on.
Art Pauly 3
Some (many) people are just plain stupid. The vapor trails are WATER you idiots.
Martin Schneider -2
Vapor trails contribute 3% to global warming. B.t.w. vapour trails form around exhaust particles from jet engines. It's not just water, and even if it was, it has massive environmental impact. Don't assume you're the only smarty around here.
C J 4
For everyone commenting here, do you think there's some irony in that you're getting mad about this being a political issue driven by one side of the equation...but your anger is driven by the politicians on the other side instructing you to be mad? It would be an interesting world if we all looked into issues based on data and facts instead of duplicating conclusions that someone else told you. Just something for you to ponder...
godutch 7
To me, if power hungry, barely accountable politicians try to pass ignorant legislation, then I'm guilty. Pray tell, how about YOU answer this: How does requiring airlines to report the amount of vapor trails/carbon dioxide (if that data can even be determined accurately enough to matter) contribute to making the earth safer? Think about it. I say it's just another costly burden placed on an already taxed industry that these same politicians used extensively.

I say, it's simply legislation to be used later to cut the throats of these same airlines...with additional taxes or co2 "punishment".
C J 6
To be clear, I'm not saying you shouldn't disagree with it, or that this sort of rule making is sensible. I do think that the wording of the headline and some of the article is odd/terrible when they say that they need to measure contrails, when in reality the ask will be (or should be) to measure the carbon output of aircraft operations, which is a fairly easy metric to measure (CO2 emissions by aircraft type are largely known, so estimating output based on fleet size and operational stats is basic). I think it's also important to note that this is a European issue which is a very different operating environment than the domestic US. With a far more developed rail system in most countries when compared to the US, it does seem reasonable to question which modes of transportation are the most effective...whether or not you agree with the climate aspects of it, there are definitely benefits to minimizing short haul flights within Europe where rail service is more efficient (get rid of non-profitable flights, utilize much needed crews on more advantageous routes, minimize use of inefficient RJ aircraft, etc).

Ultimately though, I think that we as a people need to be smarter about these topics in order to shape our own opinions. Whether you choose to vote for someone with an (R) or a (D) after their name on a ballot, the odds are that they know very little about these topics and we as a whole shouldn't allow their own personal agendas to shape our thinking. Personally, if someone told me that plastic pollution isn't anything to worry about before revealing that they're the CEO of a plastic manufacturing company, I probably won't trust that they're being honest and not making statements based on self interest. My point isn't to stir the pot, I'm just saying that instead of trusting what politicians tell us, we should take the time to collectively form our own opinions (which I think is actually very similar to the point you made in your comment).
Andrew Turnbull 1
No one's "instructing" me to be mad. I'm capable of critical thinking and managing my own emotions myself, as are millions of us.

Furthermore, are you saying that those of us on the other side of the aisle aren't smart enough to know to be mad of our own volition? That we're too dumb to understand the "political issue driven by one side of the equation" to be up in arms ourselves about the massive fraud known as "global warming" and "climate change"?

Just something for you to ponder...
John Marks -1
Huhh, another bot in the house.
tom schnelle 2
Any CO2 or other NOX/SOX gases are long gone and are not in the vapor trial, which is water and ice. You can determine the amount of “global warming” gases from a simple combustion equation based on rate of fuel usage.
Do EU folks even know things like that? LOL-they can't even spell vapor correctly.
Michael Osmers 3
The piece actually was talking about and specifically excluded greenhouse gasses and was addressing the contrails themselves ie. the clouds that sometimes form behind jet aircraft… which often don’t form at all and when they do usually disappear quickly, it’s a function of temperature and humidity. Personally I don’t see how white reflective clouds don’t bounce solar radiation back to space just as the ice sheets do.
sparkie624 0
Apparently Not! Science must not be there strong point!
themold 2
This is a joke, right?
Jim Elcock 1
There is a point to be made here, but not to the extreme. Sounds like someone has to much time on their hands.
Karen McCullough 1
Typical “woke” Leftists. 🤣
kip zirkel 1
So how will airlines 'monitor' their contrails? Rearward facing cams? Reporting other jets nearby that are visibly emitting? Or pick days when the upper air readings have a large dewpoint/temp spread so that their jet exhaust is invisible?
Andreas Johansson 4
Seems they want to use humidity sensors mounted aboard a limited number of aircraft.
sparkie624 -1
Knowing Liberal Politicians... They probably want them to capture them and return them to Jail! Those Trails Following the "Con's) are a dead give away!
Andrew Turnbull 0
Ahhh, more "science" of global warming. Using estimates. Just like models that NEVER work, even after-the-fact when they're fed ACTUAL climate/weather data.
lynx318 0
Bunch of foilhat neurotics.
Martin Schneider -1
I am not always agreeing with what Brussels comes up with. But when it comes to climate change US us the worst. Each and every US American is burning double fossile fuel compared to the next bad boy, the Chinese and Russians. Great company. The results are, increased in number and strength, catastrophies, like stronger and more hurricanes, floods, droughts, heat waves etc.
Better to keep your mouth shut if you're a member of this illustreous club.
erisajd 2
You’ve turned off your heat in winter and AC in summer? Sold your car? Relying on a bicycle?

Better to keep your mouth shut if you’re in the hypocrite class.
Martin Schneider 3
Have not done any of this. But: my house is a zero energy house with net zero energy consumption. I am driving an all electric which I am charging from my solar installation. On top of that i actually produce more than I need which I sell (for Euros)
Andreas Johansson -3
Reducing climate effects from contrails seem to be far cheaper than reducing costs associated with CO2 emissions from fuel. This was a very interesting read:

I have a feeling most of you just want to scream at yet another regulation, which is understandable. However here there are substantial reductions in climate effects available here that seem well worth the trade off.

Two quotes from the article "Civilian aircraft currently emit about 2 percent of anthropogenic CO2 and, once the effects of contrails are included, cause 5 percent of warming."

"Banavar Sridhar, a senior scientist at the NASA Ames Research Center in California, found that changing altitude – usually by flying lower where the air is warmer — could produce a reduction of 35 percent in contrails and contrail cirrus for an extra fuel burn of only 0.23 percent."

Anyways, I'm not a expert on this but this looks like low hanging fruit.

If you then add in this, it's easier to understand the need for monitoring "Around 14 % of
all flights in 2019 formed a contrail with a net warming effect, yet only 2 % of all flights caused 80 % of the annual contrail energy forcing."

Andrew Turnbull -1
What's the ideal temperature of earth? How do you know?

Is there a different ideal temperature for different parts of the earth? If so, how do you carve up the earth into those different zones so as to apply the ideal temperature to each zone?

Would a slightly warmer earth be better for all life forms on earth? How do you know it wouldn't be?
Andreas Johansson 3
I don't and I'm not here to argue with you. But it seems that airlines will have to pay for this regardless of whether or not you and I are for or against it. What I wanted to get through, is that if airlines pay for total climate effects, then it's cheaper for them to fix contrails first.

When it comes to global climate, it goes like this, if I am wrong then we survive and thrive, if you are wrong then it's probably too late to do something about it. That's a very high risk game to play.
David Kozlowski 2
Hey, Einstein! It’s not a question of what’s the ideal temperature, it’s a matter of how fast the temperature is rising. We’re looking at as much as a 3°C temperature rise by the end of the century. The last time the global temperature rose 3°C was coming out of the last ice age. But that temperature rise took place over 20,000 years.
Patrick Wahle -1
It won’t last long. When several business jets ferrying EU, NATO officials or other elites will be reported spewing contrails at 45,000 feet this madness will stop. We are looking at the dusk of the EU. The Greens have been losing seats in Brussels and other European countries. Greta Thunberg is history.
kbraniff 0
Dane…bringing more viewers


On Europe and their WEF🤢🤮 unfortunately Klaus Schwab is behind the world’s Eugenists!
You don’t have a right to breathe, unless you’re part of the collective. Fourth Industrial Revolution my…more like the Fourth Reich.
erisajd -2
Vapor trails reflect sunlight so they are helpful to a warming climate. That’s my answer to these clowns. We need more of them to reduce the temperature.

Another way to cool the Earth is replace all of the climate stations closed in the Arctic when the USSR collapsed. I bet none of them showed warmer than normal global temperatures, thereby lowering the Earths avg temp.
v10tdi 2
Contrails appaerntly both cool (reflecting sunlight during the day) and warm (trapping heat at night).

I believe the science shows the net effect of contrails is warming. For a few days after 9/11 most aircraft in North America were grounded. In addition, the skies over the region were exceptionally clear (very little cloud cover) allowing a rare opportunity to get some measurements of the impact of contrails on temperature. Interesting science, though not without disagreement (of course).

Given the potential dire consequences of climate change, it seems prudent to get as much data as possible.
Ron Sparks 0
You know it's not going to be good. What then?


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