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German airline Lufthansa plans to cut 22,000 jobs
German airline Lufthansa has said it will cut 22,000 jobs as it struggles to deal with the slump in air travel caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The carrier predicted a slow recovery in demand and expected to have about 100 fewer aircraft after the crisis. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
any large company or corporation,be it an airline or a manufacturing company or an internet giant,no matter what part of the world they maintain headquarters,have it as policy and procedure,to cut jobs and production,and thus payroll and expenses,when the need for that product or service the case of the airline industry,across the world it literally dropped to zero due to the's of these companies have contracts that protect them financially in their positions,which regular employees doe not have..yes,governments do lose tax revenues when a company is forced to shut down or lay off massive amounts of employees,but that is not "socialism" is the way almost all governments worldwide receive revenue..from working employees and the businesses that employ them,be it germany or the united states...this is sad because lufthansa has long been the proud "mainstay" carrier of far as "shaming"and airline for not having emergency reserves,that is ridiculous..airlines keep flying as long as they can and keep employees on as long as they can under most conditions,but the corona virus is and extremely contagious enemy that cannot be seen unless someone becomes ill,and you can rest assured there are no companies of any size that set aside emergency reserves for such an unexpected enemy..
I agree that this pandemic has caused a great deal of hardship to the world's airline industry. In the case of Lufthansa in Germany there is another source of hardship that adds to their struggles. High taxes imposed on them from their socialist's government. Result ? Profits shrink. Massive layoffs. Individual un employed people no longer paying tax withholding for the government's tax revenue. This causes the government funding to shrink. That, my friends, is how socialism works. It doesn't work.
- " Profits shrink. Massive layoffs. Individual un employed people no longer paying tax withholding for the government's tax revenue. This causes the government funding to shrink. "
Pretty much the exact same thing is happening in America right now where "socialism" is a very dirty word.
Pretty much the exact same thing is happening in America right now where "socialism" is a very dirty word.
Yeah well look at all the failed socialist/communist countries over the past 100 years. Not one of them is America.
Yes! Like Germany, the Netherlands, France, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway... You DO understand that there is a big difference between socialism and communism don’t you? You DO understand that there is no such thing as a purely communist OR capitalist country in the world don’t you? Which makes most systems, including the US as in the spectrum of socialism...
Shame on all airlines that dont emergency reserves for such shut downs like 9 11 etc.. many people will not return ever..