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UA 354 diverts to KDEN with slat damage
United 354 (B757) from KSFO to KBOS divers to KDEN when damage to slats noticed. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The damage was so minor they actually used the slats as usual for landing.
She may be getting a little old, but the 757 is a commercial sports car for the pilots. Pilots love the 757
I’ve often enjoyed flying in them as a passenger.
I'm OK with them on a short-haul, but I don't like them on long flights. I took one from KSEA to KATL once, and it was a miserable 4.5 hours.
Dallas-Fort Worth to Las Vegas once, yeah, that was more than enough. Nothing like being packed in like a can of sardines. I know people malign the old MD-80, but I found the MD's to have far more comfortable seats and a little more leg room.
Love the short take off also. Great plane.
I’ve thought that too. Don’t need no 10,000 ft runway!