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The First Boeing 727 Prepares for its Last Flight
More than 27 years after it was gifted to the Museum of Flight, the first Boeing 727 is still being restored at the museum’s Restoration Center at Paine Field in preparation for its last flight down to Boeing Field. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Brings back many great memories. I flew this airplane at United
Vole en este avión. Fué una maravilla y no se porqué Boeing lo dejo de fabricar. Podria seguir en servicio en lugar del 737.
I flew on this plane. It was wonderful and not know why I let Boeing to manufacture. Could remain in service instead of 737.
It kinda looks like Boeing would step in with something, in light of all the bad press they've gotten over the last few months.
I viewed this 727 about 15 years ago during a tour of the Restoration Center....I personally felt it would never fly again. Hope Boeing can find some hangar space for the B747, Concorde, and AF One that are ouside at BFI now.
I know one thing. In looking at the pics of the flight deck and all that rust/corrosion, I can understand being sentimental and all but if it was me, I'd scrap it. That is a whole lot of work for a 30 mile flight.
Understand that they are building a hangar for some of the AC one being the B29 and the other the conney. About the others don't know what else is going in it.